GPT Powered Writing

1845 words ~8 min read


I've spent the past couple of weeks figuring out how I can get the most use out of GPT in order to improve the quality of my writing, and the speed of my writing process.

I've gone through a few writing textbook materials in order to create prompts that follow along a process for drafting, and iterating on those drafts.

This page is simply for organizing the process. The prompts can be found here. My writing research log can be found here.

The Writing Process (Simplified)

  1. Assess The Rhetorical Sitation: Get an idea of what you are writing, who you are writing for, and why you are writing. Use this prompt to refine your rhetoric.
  2. Choose A Topic: Brainstorm topics or subjects to write about within your rhetorical sitation. Use this prompt to brainstorm topics to write about.
  3. Get an Overview: Get an overview of the topic, a list of keywords for research, a list of questions to consider, and a list of resources to dive into. The starting point for research. Use this prompt to get an overview of your research/writing topic.
  4. Thesis Statement: What the main message or idea is for the section of text. This prompt can be used to help draft and revise a thesis statement.
  5. Detailed Research: Using a Research Log to keep your keywords, notes, and working bibliography organized. Will focus on taking information from sources and turning it into properly cited evidence to support points or ideas in the draft. You can use this prompt to create a citation or bibliography for a source. As well as this prompt to paraphrase, quote, or summarize source material.
  6. Outline: Oragnizing the information, stories, ideas, and evidence into a clear, and logically sound order to use when writing the draft. Still needs some more modification, but this prompt seems to do a well enough job so far.
  7. Opening Sentences: The first paragraph, and first sentence of every paragraph after are the most important.
  8. Draft: Taking all of the information gathered thus far and writing the first draft. Allowed to be a bit more loose, as it will be refined upon later.
  9. Evaluate The Draft: Using tools such as grammarly, peer review GPTs, and having peers actaully reading and providing feedback.
  10. Improve Draft Based On Feedback: Using the advice gained from the previous tools, improve the draft.

GPT Powered Feedback

These are the areas that GPT can provide feedback on the quality and clarity of writing, in order to make suggestions for improvements.

  1. Logical Order or Flow: Clarify the sequence of actions or logical flow of ideas. Are transition sentences properly used. Are their any jumps in understanding or actions?
  2. Can A 5 Year Old Understand It: Look for things, terms, or concepts that are confusing. Look for ways to ensure that anyone can understand what is being explained or discussed. Provide enough context and background explaination to those unfamilair with the subject.
  3. Review from different persepctives: Have GPT take the role of different people with different levels of experience and come up with a list of questions and assumptions that would be made about the text. For content on the website, ensure that it portraies a good image for both friends and potential employers.
  4. Consistency in Style and Tone: Ensure that the entry piece of writing has a consistent tone and sytle. Ensure that the text follows specific style choosen.
  5. Does The Text Properly Cue The Reader: Does the introduction provide a forecasting statement? Does the first or last sentence of each paragraph provide the main idea of that paragraph? Does each paragraph have a single idea? Are transition sentences well used and placed? Are cohesive devices used throughout the writing?

Next Steps


This section is summarized versions of all of the notes I've taken thus far.

Choosing A Topic

Drafting Process

Research Writing Planning Guide

A comprehensive guide to help you plan and execute your research writing project effectively.

  1. Define Your Research Task and Set a Schedule: Understand the assignment requirements and set a clear deadline with interim due dates.
  2. Analyze Your Rhetorical Situation: Determine your purpose, genre, audience, and the appropriate medium for your research project.
  3. Establish a Research Log: Create a list of keywords, start a working bibliography, and take detailed notes on your sources.
  4. Choose and Narrow Your Topic: Select a relevant, interesting, and manageable topic, review background materials, and narrow your focus based on source availability and project scope.
  5. Draft Questions to Guide Your Research: Formulate specific questions that your research aims to answer.
  6. Search for In-depth Information: Conduct a thorough search using your keywords, evaluate and select relevant sources, annotate your bibliography, and draft a preliminary thesis statement.
  7. Refine Your Search: Assess the adequacy of your findings, modify your search strategy if needed, and update your thesis statement.
  8. Use Your Research to Support Your Ideas: Synthesize ideas from multiple sources, use evidence appropriately, and include your own analysis to demonstrate how the information supports your ideas.
  9. Avoid Plagiarism: Paraphrase carefully, integrate source material seamlessly, and cite all sources accurately using the appropriate citation style.

Peer Review Questions

Improving Your Draft
