Areas Of Wellness

1016 words ~5 min read


The idea is to apply the 80/20 rule to the 8 different areas of wellness in order to evalute what is necessary for The Wellness Exam.


Emotional wellness involves recognizing and respecting your own feelings and those of others. It means managing your emotions constructively and maintaining a positive, enthusiastic outlook on life, which supports overall mental health and effective handling of life’s stresses.

Most Important Aspects:


Physical wellness emphasizes the importance of caring for your body to ensure health both now and in the future. This area involves regular physical activity, proper nutrition, and avoiding harmful habits to maintain optimal physical health.

Most Important Aspects:


Occupational wellness focuses on engaging in work that provides personal satisfaction and enrichment, aligning with your values, goals, and lifestyle. It involves utilizing your unique gifts, skills, and talents in a way that is both personally rewarding and meaningful.

Most Important Aspects:


Social wellness is about maintaining healthy relationships and enjoying interactions with others. It encompasses developing friendships, caring about others, and allowing others to care for you, as well as contributing positively to your community.

Most Important Aspects:


Spiritual wellness is finding deeper purpose, value, and meaning in life, whether through religion or other personal beliefs. This dimension involves engaging in activities that reflect your beliefs and values, contributing to a sense of peace and well-being.

Most Important Aspects:


Intellectual wellness is characterized by a commitment to lifelong learning and a curiosity about the world. This dimension involves expanding knowledge and skills, embracing intellectual challenges, and exploring opportunities to share your insights and gifts with others.

Most Important Aspects:


Environmental wellness recognizes the impact of your natural, social, and built environments on your health and well-being. It includes a commitment to understanding and reducing your ecological footprint to contribute to a healthier planet.

Most Important Aspects:


Financial wellness involves effective management of your financial resources, making informed decisions and investments, and planning realistically for both short-term and long-term financial needs. It recognizes the uniqueness of each individual’s financial situation and values.

Most Important Aspects:
