Rocket League Learning

1460 words ~6 min read


This is casual learning journal for trying to improve my rocket league gameplay. I'm not trying to become a pro player, just want to practice learning techniques in a simple enviornment.

It's easy to have a measurement for improvement in competitive where you get a rank and can see the impact of your practice in it. Plus I just enjoy the game.

Game History

Date Mode Rank Result Team Diff Score Goals Assits Saves Shots
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Getting and using feedback from reviewing games.


Skills I need to improve:


I'm testing out a technique of reviewing my performance by looking back on the past 5 games and seeing what I could do to improve. Every 5 games I take a break and then look to see what I could have done better. Then I will take those things and create drills to practice them.

It seems to take to long to review all 5 of the games, So I will be reviewing the worse of the 5 games instead. Then spend some time practicing on my worst skill.

Here are the things I notice that I've done wrong:


First thing I've done is gather some resources and do some research on what I can do to improve. I've found these videos to be quite informative:

How to get out of Gold in Rocket League

This video does a great job of identifying 5 things that I can practice in order to improve. They are:

Here are some drills I will be trying to see if this improves my overall gameplay:

gif of hitting the ball hard

Power Shots Drill:

gif of hitting the ball hard

Hook Shots Drill:

gif of fast aerial

Aerial Consistency Drill:

Wall Play Drill:

Dribbling Drill:

3 Simple Tips to Get Out of Gold

This video provide a few simple tips for improving and getting out of gold. They are:

Dribbling/Ball Control Drill:

Shooting/Power Behind the Ball Drill:

Patience and Shadow Defense Drill:

How to Get Out Of Gold

this video.

Air Roll Aerials Drill:

Dribbles & Flicks Drill:

Backwards Control Drill:

Recovery Drill:

Half Flips Drill:

Minimize Hesitation Drill:

Collecting Boost Drill:

The Best Mechanics You Should Learn At Every Rank

From this video.

This video goes over some areial drills
