
A collection of ideas. Potential projects, concepts, things that idle in the back of my mind from time to time.

Book Ideas

Shanghai Rummy Rule Book

The rules of our generational family game are always brought up, but have never been written down or declared. It could be fun to write a little booklet that contains all of the rules of the game. Also diving into the meta-strategies within the game could be fun.

I'm thinking about the buy-back, 55-point round, etc.

The Learning Book Condominium

Take all of the books I've read on learning and compile all of the collective research, tips and techniques for learning. See how much of the information and ideas are shared between them, and how many ideas contradict one another.

The Productivity Book Condominium

Take all of the books I've read on productivity, time management, goal setting and compile all of the collective research, tips and techniques. See how much of the information and ideas are shared between them, and how many ideas contradict one another.

The Wellness Book Condominium

Take all of the books I've read on mindfulness, joy, happiness, contentment and compile all of the collective research, tips and techniques. See how much of the information and ideas are shared between them, and how many ideas contradict one another.

Programming/Development Handbook

Quick reference for all of the programming and development procedures, style guides, and research.

Might be better as a web page, rather than a book.

Pocket Project Handbook v2

The edits, and additions for the second edition of my first book. I want a chance to really get to use it and criticize it before I start the second edition.

What about reaching out to the top 50 YouTube Engineers, and 200+ mid-lower YouTube engineers on their process and thoughts when approaching project development. (After re-visiting this idea, I still believe there is potential for it to be entertaining and educational, as well as a fun experience overall. Who knows how many will actually agree to an interview?)

I want to widen the scope of the book to all types of projects, not just website development.

New Ideas:

Programming Ideas

Health Tracker

I know there are a half dozen different types of health trackers out there. But I think that it would be nice to build my own that would utilize the 'brain hacks' of atomic habits, and infuse it with the scientific studies of Harvard and other sources.

I'm thinking of something that includes sleep health, nutrition health, exercise health, hydration, mindfulness, etc.

Something that could let me search up and track any type of food and see if it will provide me with energy and nutrients.

Research Tool

It would be interesting to have my own experiment tool for conducting research. Something that could allow me to measure variables, and plot data.

Maybe it doesn't need to plot data, but something that could do a test. Like the How awake are you? flash game test from Harvard.

I may want to look further into the Harvard Special Health Reports. They look interesting and well put together.

Daily Journal/Logbook

Have question templates that could be easily exchanged, such as:

List of daily accomplishments that can be searched through by date and label. (Useful for monthly reviews, and work update emails.)

Daily stat tracking. stuff like sleep, protein, pages read, etc.

Could be pretty easy to set up with firebase.

Create the logbook specific for daily personal + work + project OR Create the logbook generator template.

I envision this idea as creating either A) a logbook that has hard coded questions, like gratitude questions for the personal logbook, or B) a logbook generator, simple question and answer builder that lets you create any time of log book. Could be used for work, personal or hobbies.

Sentiment Analysis Web Scrapper

I was doing some research to determine whether or not, or which drone I should buy. I realized that a lot of what I was doing was just looking at a bunch of sites, and scanning for their reviews. Then looking at how trust worthy the site was.

It would be interesting to build a research bot. Something that could know where to scrap the web, and what to look for. Then it would bring back a list of URLs, their trust worthy score, and their reviews.

This could also be helpful for more in-depth research. If I could have it try to find the direct source of any site, rather than just the secondary sources. For example, if I wanted to do research on the affects of working in VR. It would find this article by Kotaku. Then it would find this study within the article, which is the primary source.

I would also want it to scrap videos from YouTube, and give relevant time stamps for the product being used or tested. Which is what we really need more of, a third party actually using the product.

Link Repository

I end up finding a lot of interesting links that I want to store for later, but I don't have a place to put them. I often want to look back and find a specific article if I have an idea about it, or if I want to share it with a friend.

It would be nice to either have a page, or a place where I could past a link and it could be categorized, and searchable. Most of these links are ideas and articles I find from hacker news.

Display Board v3.5

I've been working on multiple different versions of my display board for nearly 3 years now. I have a new setup, and a new system to run it. So I need to update it, and really consider what I want to display and track.

Online Shanghai Rummy

It's harder for our family to play games together as we split up across the country. It would be interesting to try and create a browser game that all of us could play together.

The most difficult thing would be dealing with the networking of hosting a game with at least 5 people. I don't think the rules of the game would be that hard.

Another problem would be the user interface. And making it work for grandma and papa with their connection.

Randomly Created Website

Have a website that either dynamically creates itself, or randomly is created on the fly.

Chat GPT does a pretty good job of creating simple html websites. I wonder if you created a uniform style guide, and/or JavaScript files, then you could either A) have GPT generate a new page every time you refresh, or press a link, or B) Have a function randomly choose the elements on the page.

I think it would also be interesting if you had multiple styles to choose from.

What if you use Auto GPT and walk it through the steps of design. (Strategy, Scoping, Structure) If it follows the steps, could it create a website that might be incoherent content, but half decent design?

GPT Superoptimizer

The concept of a 'superoptimizer' is a process of testing nearly every combination of instructions to find the most optimal one.

It would be interesting to play with this concept of a superoptimizer and see where it could lead with higher level languages, where there are more than 1 way to implement the same thing. I'm not an expert in this field, but the idea is interesting.

Inspired by AlphaDev discovering faster sorting algorithms.

There is a lot of potential for a 'superoptimizer' outside of just the computer science field. I've recently been thinking about the procedures or the decisions that seem to make more progress or improvement over time. Imagine a way to superoptimize practice, learning, etc. Something we don't already know about.

In a lot of ways, I think we already have the solution. I just think that the solution is scattered all over human experience. (The web, books, history, etc.) Doesn't mean there can't be new ideas on how to approach these activities. Just that we have been making art, writing, engineering for so long that at some point we should have a bullet proof process by now.

Maybe we just need to start trying to these things while balancing on our heads and singing the macarena...

Then there is the balance between the most performant, and the most simple. You could create the most powerful thing, but it only needs to open and close a door, then at what point do you stop trying to make it the most powerful thing? Measure its impact beforehand? Only optimize what needs to be? Don't fix what isn't broken?

Lifestyle Ideas

Surviving The Early 20s

I'm not that far from being in a situation where I'm going to have to 'fend for myself'. I want to prepare for this situation and get a rough plan together that will allow me to leverage these next few years as best I can. So far I've discussed 3 main ideas:

I'm very fortunate to have these options available to me. I think that if I play my cards correctly I can save up and prepare for my mid and late 20s/early 30s. So far I don't know which of these routes is the best yet. Each of them have a few upsides and negatives. In order to really make the most of these next few years, I would like to:

I still have a lot to research and figure out.

Video Ideas

Anti-Survivor Bias YouTube Video

Basically a video as a counter study of someone who worked hard and put in the hours on YouTube and didn't make it. As a comparison of those who put in the hours and did make it.

Talking Points:

Author Dev Log Videos

Make a 'dev log' series of the process of writing the second edition of my book. Similar in style to a game dev log.